New Art Exhibition Open for Viewing in the Windows of Downtown Olympia’s Goldberg Building

The Exhibition is a collaboration between The Evergreen State College and the Olympia Artspace Alliance.

In early 2021, Olympia Artspace Alliance (OAA) approached Lauren Boilini, an art instructor at The Evergreen State College, to ask Evergreen students to host a student-curated “Art in Storefronts” exhibition in downtown Olympia. Evergreen seniors Athelia O’Dell and Sierra Grove agreed to take on the task of co-curating and organizing students from their “Advanced Projects in Media and Visual Arts” class.

The installation that resulted from this collaboration is called “A New Sincerity” and is an exploration of vulnerability, sincerity and trauma and includes landscape paintings, a large paper sculpture, portraits, pottery, an exhibit for introspection and a technical installation with a film running on a timer. The installation features the multi-media work of Alithea O’Dell, Chloe Pierson, Donna Michelle Seder, Elisa Brown, Ines Rodriguez, Emma Ritchie, Payton Reid, Sally Traxler-Lavengood, Landon Jones and Jessie Knorr.

Link to complete article:


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