While You’re in: Tune in to old times, and welcome winter with art, stories and cookies

“The Olympia Artspace Alliance is getting in the spirit of the season and celebrating kids’ creativity with “Winter Wonderland,” its latest installation in the Goldberg building (formerly Schoenfeld Furniture) at 403 Capitol Way S., Olympia. Animals from penguins to foxes are among the highlights of the display, which also includes brilliant birds, mandalas, winter scenes, colorful evergreen trees and plenty of snow. The installation includes artwork by about 250 students from Olympia Regional Learning Academy, the Garage Art Workshop for Kids, Garfield Elementary School and the Fine Arts Club at South Sound Dance. There’s a map of downtown decorations on the website of Oly Twinklefest and more info on holiday happenings — including guaranteed snow and free hot cocoa — on the Olympia Downtown Alliance’s Downtown for the Holidays page.”

- Molly Gilmore, The Olympian

Link to complete article: https://www.theolympian.com/news/local/article247544895.html


New Art Exhibition Open for Viewing in the Windows of Downtown Olympia’s Goldberg Building


SPSCC gallery’s new show celebrates the work of local Black artists